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Topic for the Work Place

A Business Carol:  Inspiring Leadership

In today’s work environment, trust is broken. A Maritz poll reports that only 7% of US workers trust their leaders or their fellow team members. Disengagement is epidemic, cynicism is rampant, all of it is costly, and it’s also nothing new. Charles Dickens wrote about dysfunctional workplaces over 170 years ago, never more famously than in his classic, A Christmas Carol. We all know (and most of us have worked for) a “Scrooge.” But one minor character in that story represents a standard for positive and people-centered leadership: Scrooge’s old boss, Mr Fezziwig. Fezziwig is joyful, successful and he creates a work experience that is positive and profitable. This program will show you how smart companies are using these same principles to revolutionize their cultures to build trust and unleash success, and how you can do the same for your organization.


You'll learn:


  • The top three things that your people want (and why they cost nothing)

  • What leaders must know and practice to virtually eliminate disengagement

  • The "Toxic Tandem" of perceptual blindness that leaders must overcome to inspire employees

  • What all great leaders have in common

Testimonials Funny Motivational Speaker

"Most if not all commented that you were the best speaker we ever had."

– Jodie Gilroy
Dickinson County Healthcare System




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